Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Singularity GPU & CPU Performance In-depth

In fact it wasn't until a fellow TechSpot staff member pointed out Singularity as a game of interest last week that I even knew of its existence.

New and exquisite looking computer games are always something that we are on the lookout for, so that we can provide you with an in-depth hardware performance review. Singularity is a new first person shooter that managed to fly well under our radar even though it was developed by veteran Raven Software and published by Activision.

Singularity is getting released just today for the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 platforms, generating a lot of buzz as of late for its supposedly exciting single player campaign and the gameplay paradigm that it presents, giving you a "Time Manipulation Device" to play with and use as a weapon.

Although Singularity is based on the Unreal Engine 3 - like a few dozen or more games released over the past few years - we were still keen to check out how current hardware handles it.

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