Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hulu to test its fee-supported service next week

These includes mobile devices like Apple's iPad, and possibly even on video game consoles such as the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. In the past Hulu has actively blocked attempts to put its video on TV-friendly apps and devices, such as Boxee, but with a subscription plan in the works it appears the service is ready to spread the way Netflix has. After all, access to additional viewing platforms seems like a much better selling point than just offering old episodes.

Hulu could begin testing out its fee-supported service, dubbed Hulu Plus, as early as next week. According to "people briefed on the plans" talking to the Wall Street Journal, the popular video streaming site is working to finalize agreements with content owners and hopes to wrap them up in the coming days.
Of course, not everyone is enthusiastic about the idea of paying for Hulu, but the current offering will reportedly remain 'as is', while those who pay the $10 monthly fee would get access to a deeper catalog of shows, plus the ability to watch it on other devices.

Currently, Hulu lets you watch the five most recent episodes of popular shows such as House and The Office, usually posted with some kind of delay. If you're able to stay on top of your favorite shows in a timely manner then you probably won't feel compelled to sign up. However, if you could access more content from your living room or on the go, would you be willing to shell out a subscription fee each

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